Thursday, June 13, 2019

fractured fairy tale

In room 5 we have been  doing things around the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. One thing we had to do was a fractured fairy tale that means  we had to change a bit of the story and we couldn't make anymore characters .  Here is my slide show hope you enjoy


  1. Hey Hunter! Its me your old buddy from Grey High! :) How've you been? I see you have been up to fun. I love this slideshow how it incorporates the actual story into it!

    Noah :)

  2. Hey Hunter my name is max i`m from ahipara school anyway i LOVED! the slide. it was cool fun to read. and exciting! but next time you could probably work on your spelling.

  3. hi
    i like your slide but check spelling thank you

  4. hello hunter its me hunter! i love your slide its fun to read but next time maybe check your spelling

  5. Hi Hunter nice slide deck it is extremely good.


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