Friday, January 4, 2019


Day 5 week 3 of the Summer Learning Journey. 

1. Farm animals can add to pollution, through releasing gasses after they eat.

2. Our inside fire places in winter that keep us warm adds to pollution.
    Through burning coal and wood.

3. After cars and trucks fill up with fuel.
    They then drive and burn fuel which then pollutions our air.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hunter,

    You have done a fantastic job of pointing out and sharing three things that you have learnt from the video about air pollution. I love that you have taken an extra step and briefly explained each point, great work Hunter! You're absolutely correct, burning wood and coal definitely has a negative impact on the environment so it's a good idea to make sure we always have lots of thick jackets and scarves to keep us warm during the winter season instead of always using the fireplace. We can also help our planet by taking the bus or carpooling and sharing a car to go to the places that we need to get to. We can also reduce the air pollution we make by walking or cycling. Do you enjoy cycling? You could even skate to the places that you want to get to with a skateboard, just remember to make sure you're well protected with a helmet as well as knee and elbow pads. Do you know how to skate?

    Evelyn :)


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